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Super Long Summer!

Welcome to our


Hello Photographers

Have you been snapping away during lockdown and documenting this crazy year? We can't wait to see what amazing things you have been up to. 

Challenge 5

This week we are experimenting with colour! 

Send your images into the Make and Create Arts Facebook page or send them to with your name and a small description of why you took the image you did.

This week we want to see what interesting shapes your hands are making!

Send your images into the Make and Create Arts Facebook page or send them to with your name and a small description of why you took the image you did.

Challenge 4

Get your camera ready for this week's practical challenge. 
Don't forget to send us your photographs.

Challenge 3

Photographer Inspiration Challenge.jpg

Get your camera ready for this week's practical challenge. 
Don't forget to send us your photographs.

Challenge 2

Turquoise Icons Process Infographic.png

Challenge 1

Megan has created a photography quiz for your first challenge, to see what you can remember from class!

Don't worry because she has also shared some helpful worksheets to help you if you get stuck.

Everyone is welcome to have a go at the Photography Quiz!
Remember to return your quiz sheet to us for marking and prizes!!

Send your Quiz Sheets to us at or on Facebook.
We can't wait to see how you get on!

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